Ready to purchase your swimming pool certification package?
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... or give us a call on 1300 883 806

Residential Swimming Pools
Your Property will need a swimming pool inspection and a valid certificate of compliance before you can sell or lease a property with a pool. In addition, for peace of mind have one of our qualified inspectors carry out an inspection and issue you with a compliance certificate to ensure your pool is compliant and safe.
Inspections can be requested by your self, your real estate agent, solictor/conveyance or property manager.The swimming pools Act 1992 and its regulations work together with Australian Standards 1926 (As1926) to establish the safety standards for backyard swimming pools.
These document have been updated a number of times and as a result apply differentlty at different points in time.
Commercial/Shared Swimming Pools
We provide inspection services for shared/commercial swimming pools for commercial owners, real estate agents, property managers, hotels, motels, caravan parks, swim centres, retirement villages and shared pools with a prompt, professional and quality service. We provide a clear and detailed report and our inspectors are fully accredited NSW Government Office of Fair Trading E1 Certification License BPB2829.
HouseCheck NSW has professional indemnity and public liability Insurance.

Self-Assessment of Swimming Pools
The NSW Swimming Pool Register provides some helpful information regarding swimming pool self-assessments. To access their checklists, determine which one you need using the following questions:
Which pool barrier self-assessment checklist do I use? |
Checklist | Used for |
Indoor Pool | Use this checklist for all indoor pools, including spas that do not have a lockable child-resistant lid |
Spa | Use this checklist for all Spa pools except indoor spa pools |
Outdoor Pool 1 | Use this checklist for outdoor pools built before 1 September 2008 that are not on waterfront, large-sized or small-sized properties |
Outdoor Pool 2 | Use this checklist for outdoor pools that were built between 1 September 2008 and 30 April 2013 that are not waterfront, large-sized or small-sized properties
Applies to all pools built between 1 July 2010 and 30 April 2013 regardless of property type |
Outdoor Pool 3 | Use this checklist for outdoor pools built after 1 May 2013 |
Portable or Inflatable Pool | Use this checklist for all portable or inflatable pools |
Outdoor Pool – Waterfront Property | Use this checklist for outdoor pools that are not spas or portable/inflatable pools built on waterfront properties |
Outdoor Pool – Large Property | Use this checklist for outdoor pools that are not spas or portable/inflatable pools that are built on properties of 2 hectares or greater in size |
Outdoor Pool – Small Property | Use this checklist for all outdoor pools that are not spas or portable/inflatable pools built on properties that are less than 230sqm in size |
Note: These self-assessment checklists are provided to give you an indication about whether or not your pool barrier meets the requirements in NSW. A professional inspector will use a more comprehensive and technical checklist that may result in a different outcome.
Checklists may be found here: